Wednesday, January 30, 2008


金牛座 [Taurus]
Being completely focused on what you want will help you get one step closer to getting it today, so avoid distractions. This is not the time to go off and party with friends or sleep in all day -- even though you might really need the extra zzz's. You need to buckle down! Be careful of others who say that you are wasting your time. They don't know what you know, which is that the more energy you put into something, the more reward you will get out of it.

给我留言的您 您觉得怎样呢?


Listener said...

I agree with the phrase "avoid distraction", so it's time to get off from your computer and start working.... lol

vICTOR zONE said...

Hahaha....i found a job dy...going leave the computer away and facing another computer in office dere - -!